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Artikel: Validity, specificity, feasibility and acceptability of a brief pediatric thermometer in outpatients clinics (2017)

Objective: Psychosocial distress is under-recognized in children with cancer and other serious medical illnesses because of a focus on pressing medical concerns.
Aims: This study assessed the validity, inter-rater reliability, sensitivity/specificity, acceptability, and feasibility of administration of a pediatric distress thermometer (DT) designed to screen for the presence of psychosocial distress in youth with serious medical illnesses.

Artikel: Patients with oesophageal cancer report elevated distress and problems yet do not have an explicit wish for referral prior to receiving their medical treatment plan (2017)

Objective: This study aims to identify patients with oesophageal cancer’s level of distress, type of problems, and wish for referral prior to treatment. To identify the clinical relevance of patients with oesophageal cancer’s level of distress and type of problems, we build models to predict elevated distress, wish for referral, and overall survival.

Artikel: Telephone-delivered individual cognitive behavioural therapy for cancer patients: An equivalence randomised trial (2017)

To evaluate Telephone-Delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (T-CBT) compared to CBT face to face treatment as usual (TAU-CBT), in cancer patients with high psychological needs, in terms of mental health and coping.

Artikel: Managing Cancer Care: a psycho-educational intervention to improve knowledge of care options and breast cancer self-management (2017)

We tested the feasibility and acceptability of a psycho-educational self-management intervention, Managing Cancer Care: A Personal Guide (MCC), to improve knowledge of care options (curative, palliative, and hospice care) among a range of breast cancer self-management skills.

Nederlandse Jaarindex Psychosociaal Oncologisch Onderzoek

De jaarindex geeft een overzicht van lopend en actueel wetenschappelijk onderzoek in de psychosociale oncologie, en draagt bij aan het doel van de NVPO om de zichtbaarheid van psychosociaal oncologisch onderzoek te vergroten, de translatie van kennis te stimuleren en de implementatie van onderzoeksresultaten in de praktijk aan te moedigen. Deze vierde editie bevat 112 lopende onderzoeksprojecten die het afgelopen jaar zijn afgerond, gecontinueerd dan wel opgestart.

Artikel: Acceptability and pilot efficacy trial of a web-based breast reconstruction decision support aid for women considering mastectomy (2016)

The study aim was to test the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a novel interactive
web-based breast reconstruction decision support aid (BRAID) for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients
considering mastectomy.


Jaarindex Psychosociale Oncologie 2016

De eerste jaarindex psychosociale oncologie bevat 48 onderzoeks- en praktijkprojecten met diverse topics van verschillende zorgverleners en onderzoekers uit heel Vlaanderen.

Het doel van deze jaarindex is om een overzicht te bewaren van lopend onderzoek in de psychosociale oncologie en jullie, zorgverleners, te inspireren.

Via onderstaande link kunnen jullie de eerste editie van de jaarindex online raadplegen

Artikel: Mental distress and health care use among survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer: a cross-sectional analysis of the national health care survey

BACKGROUND: The current study was conducted to examine the prevalence and correlates of mental distress among survivors of
adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer and a comparison group.



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