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Artikel: Body image and sexual function in women after treatment for anal and rectal cancer (2016)

Treatment for anal and rectal cancer (ARCa) often results in side effects that directly impact sexual functioning; however, ARCa survivors are an understudied group, and factors contributing to the sexual sequelae are not well understood. Body image problems are distressing and may further exacerbate sexual difficulties, particularly for women. This preliminary study sought to (1) describe body image problems, including sociodemographic and disease/treatment correlates, and (2) examine relations between body image and sexual function.

Poster: project: Relaxerende ontmoetingen met lotgenoten

Organisatie: Pink Ribbon

Pink Ribbon zet zich in voor de bestrijding van borstkanker door preventie en opsporing aan te moedigen. Pink Ribbon vestigt via communicatie en informatie een bijzondere aandacht op het verbeteren van de levenskwaliteit van personen met borstkanker en hun omgeving.


Jaarverslag Kankermeldpunt (2015)

Kom op tegen Kanker publiceert  het jaarverslag 2015 van het Kankermeldpunt  en daaruit blijkt dat het Kankermeldpunt hard nodig blijft.

Artikel: Body issues, sexual satisfaction, and relationship status satisfaction in long-term childhood cancer survivors and healthy controls (2015)

Research on body image and sexual satisfaction after adult onset cancer has shown significant and lasting impairments regarding survivors' sexuality and romantic relationships. However, knowledge about these topics and their associations in adult survivors of childhood cancer is largely lacking.

Artikel: Keeping kids sun safe: exploring parents’ beliefs about their young child’s sun-protective behaviours (2015)

Melanoma of the skin is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. Given the high incidence of sunburn in children and the level of sun protection provided by parents is often infrequent and/or insufficient, this research employed qualitative methodology to examine parents' beliefs about their young child's sun safe behaviour.

Artikel: A tsunami of unmet needs: pancreatic and ampullary cancer patients' supportive care needs and use of community and allied health services (2015)

People diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have the worst survival prognosis of any cancer. No previous research has documented the supportive care needs of this population. Our objective was to describe people's needs and use of support services and to examine whether these differed according to whether or not patients had undergone surgical resection.

Het uitbreiden en delen van kennis omtrent preventie van vaginale stenose en psychoseksuele problemen bij vrouwen en/of koppels tijdens en na pelviene bestraling voor kanker.

Titel/thema: Het uitbreiden en delen van kennis omtrent preventie van vaginale stenose en psychoseksuele problemen bij vrouwen en/of koppels tijdens en na pelviene bestraling voor kanker.

Locatie: Vanuit het UZ Leuven met uitwisseling en contact met de verschillende ziekenhuizen in Vlaanderen met een bestralingsunit

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