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(Lange termijn) effecten van behandeling

Artikel: Physical activity, self-efficacy and self-esteem in breast cancer survivors: a panel model (2017)

Purpose: Physical activity (PA) has been consistently associated with improved self-esteem in breast cancer survivors. However, this relationship is poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to examine whether changes in PA and self-efficacy influenced changes in self-esteem in breast cancer survivors across 6 months. Increases in PA were hypothesized to result in increases in self-efficacy, which were hypothesized to influence increases in physical self-worth (PSW) and global self-esteem.


Nieuwe financieringslijn bij Kom op tegen Kanker

Kom op tegen Kanker biedt al lang financiële steun aan organisaties en sociale ondernemingen die psychosociale ondersteuning geven aan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten.

Artikel: Relationship between self-reported and objectively measured physical activity and subjective memory impairment in breast cancer survivors: role of self-efficacy, fatigue and distress (2017).


Many breast cancer survivors report cancer and cancer treatment-associated cognitive change. However, very little is known about the relationship between physical activity and subjective memory impairment (SMI) in this population. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between physical activity and SMI and longitudinally test a model examining the role of self-efficacy, fatigue and distress as potential mediators.


Rapport Kom op tegen Kanker: Zorgen na kanker (2017)

Kankerpatiënten blijven ook na hun behandeling kampen met pijn, extreme vermoeidheid, concentratie- en geheugenproblemen, incontinentie, seksuele problemen, angst en depressieve gevoelens. Hun leven opnieuw oppikken op professioneel vlak of binnen het gezin, gaat tot jaren na hun behandeling moeilijker dan verwacht.

Samenvatting diverse wetenschappelijke artikels

De studenten psycho-oncologie van opleidingsjaar 2016-2018 gingen op zoek naar wetenschappelijke artikels in het kader van hun eindwerk.

De samenvattingen van deze artikels kan u hier terugvinden.


Interview met Dr Jimmie Holland, Psycho-Oncologist

Dr William Breitbart interviewt één van de pioniers inzake Psycho-Oncologie en oprichtster van IPOS.  Klik hier om het volledige interview te bekijken

Artikel: Oncologist, patient, and companion questions during pretreatment consultations about adjuvant cancer treatment: a shared decision‐making perspective, 2017

Objectives To assess the occurrence of questions that foster shared decision making, in particular cancer patients' understanding of treatment decisions and oncologists' understanding of patients' priorities, during consultations in which preference‐sensitive decisions are discussed.

Review: The relationship between cancer patient's fear of recurrence and radiotherapy: a systematic review and meta‐analysis (2016)

Objective: This review aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge available on the nature and extent of the relationship between external‐beam radiotherapy (RT) and fear of cancer recurrence (FoR).

Methods: PubMed, MEDLINE, and EMBASE databases were searched to identify relevant studies. Systematic review procedures were followed including a quality assessment. Meta‐analysis of suitable studies was conducted.

Onderzoeker in beeld: Isabelle Merckaert

CHi wil onderzoek in de psychosociale oncologie toegankelijker maken voor het klinische werkveld.  Binnen het project 'onderzoeker-in-beeld' interviewen we regelmatig onderzoekers omtrent hun onderzoeksresultaten.  In bijlage kan u het gepubliceerde artikel terugvinden. 



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