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Project: '(Samen Sterker) Omgaan met kanker.'

Artikel: 'The association of self-leadership, health behaviors, and posttraumatic growth with health-related quality of life in patients with cancer.' (2014)

We tried to evaluate the association of self-leadership, effective health behaviors, and posttraumatic growth with health-related quality of life (HRQOL).

Onderzoeksproject: 'Kankerpatiënten en werkhervatting: rechten en plichten'

Probleemstelling onderzoek: Kanker heeft doorgaans een grote impact op het persoonlijk en sociaal leven van iemand. Hoewel (ex-)kankerpatiënten vaak gemotiveerd zijn om terug aan het werk te gaan, blijkt dat velen onder hen problemen ondervinden om het werk te hervatten.

Experiences and concerns about ‘returning to work’ for women breast cancer survivors: a literature review

Objective: To explore how female breast cancer patients experience work incapacity during the
treatment and return-to-work phases and how interactions between patients and stakeholders
affect this experience.
Method: Database search for full text articles published between January 1995 and
January 2008 that focused on employed female breast cancer patients, factors related to work
incapacity, and returning to work. Only results based on self-report data were included. Studies

Survived but feeling vulnerable and insecure: a qualitative study of the mental preparation for RTW after breast cancer treatment

Background: Improvements in treatment have resulted in an increasing number of cancer survivors potentially being able to return to work after medical treatment. In this paper we focus on the considerations regarding return to work (RTW) of breast cancer absentees in the Belgian context and how these considerations are related to reactions from their social environment.

Supporting Return-to-Work in the Face of Legislation: Stakeholders’ Experiences with Return-to-Work After Breast Cancer in Belgium

Background The diagnosis of breast cancer increasingly implies a return-to-work (RTW) challenge
as survival rates increase. RTW is regarded as a multidisciplinary process and a country’s legislation affects the degree of involvement of the different stakeholders. We elucidated on bottlenecks and contributing factors and the relationship between policy and practice regarding RTW of employees with breast cancer as perceived by Belgian (Flemish) stakeholders. Methods

Breast cancer treatment and work disability: Patient perspectives

Purpose: Most female breast cancer patients are forced to interrupt their professional activities during treatment. Qualitative research was carried out to assess women’s experiences of being work disabled because of breast cancer.
Patients and methods: In-depth interviews were analyzed to understand patient’s experiences and to gain more insight in their perspectives on living with breast cancer.

Werkhervatting en kanker: overzicht juridische vragen


Een overzicht van alle juridische vragen waarmee (ex-)kankerpatiënten geconfronteerd kunnen worden wanneer ze terug het werk wensen te hervatten

Werken na kanker: welke problemen ervaren (ex-)patiënten die het werk hervatten?

In augustus 2012 lanceerde de Vlaamse Liga tegen Kanker (VLK) een campagne 'Werken na kanker', om de problemen rond werkhervatting in kaart te brengen. Ze riep (ex-)patiënten in de media op om via de website www.werkennakanker.be (anoniem) hun verhaal te vertellen. Er kwamen in totaal meer dan 350 getuigenissen binnen.

Leven na Kanker

Pocketboekje, voor (ex-)kankerpatiënten, omgeving of hulpverleners, over het leven na kanker. Informatie over reïntegratie, nevenwerkingen, seksuele beleving, het gevoelsleven, herval, voeding, fysieke activiteit en hervatten van huishoudelijke en professionele activiteiten.
Te bestellen, gratis, bij de Stichting tegen Kanker
Stichting tegen Kanker, 2005



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