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Artikel: 'Social support and health-related quality of life in women with breast cancer: a longitudinal study.' (2014)

A breast cancer diagnosis is a distressing event that impacts on physical and psychological functioning. This study examined the longitudinal relationships among a diagnosis of breast cancer, social support, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL).

Artikel: 'Living with the physical and mental consequences of an ostomy: a study among 1–10-year rectal cancer survivors from the population-based PROFILES registry.' (2014)

This study examined the physical and mental consequences of an ostomy among 1–10-year rectal cancer survivors.

Methods: Patients with rectal cancer diagnosed from 2000 to 2009, as registered in the population-based Eindhoven Cancer Registry, received a questionnaire on quality of life (QOL; EORTC QLQ-C30), disease-specific health status (EORTC QLQ-CR38), depression and anxiety (HADS), illness perceptions (Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire), and health care utilization; 76% (n = 1019) responded.

Artikel: 'Quality of life in cancer rehabilitation: the role of life goal adjustment.' (2014)

A cancer diagnosis affects patients' quality of life (QOL) as well as their pursuit of life goals. However, numerous studies have shown surprisingly stable QOL measures in cancer patients over time. We propose that life goal adjustment can act as the missing link in explaining this response shift. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine associations between life goal adjustment and patients' QOL at baseline and over the course of 20 months.

De Standaard: 'Langdurig zieke moet vlot werk kunnen hervatten'

De SP.A-kamerleden Fatma Péhlivan, Meryame Kitir en Monica De Coninck – minister van Werk in de vorige regering – dienen een wetsvoorstel in om werknemers met een chronische aandoening het recht te

Artikel: 'Problems addressed during psycho-oncological therapy: A pilot study.' (2011)

Therapists working at the eight psycho-oncological centers in the Netherlands (N = 43) were presented a list of 15 problems often encountered during therapy with cancer patients. The therapists were asked to indicate the predominant psychological problems they had dealt with during their five most recently completed interventions. The authors received complete answers from 37 therapists (86%). Anxiety and depression were the two predominant problems most often encountered by therapists during therapy (31% and 29%, respectively).

Artikel: 'Women's recovery experiences after breast cancer reconstruction surgery.' (2011)

Many women with early-stage breast cancer choose breast reconstruction following mastectomy with the goal to improve physical and psychological quality of life. Breast reconstruction procedures vary in surgical complexity, types of postsurgical complications, and time to recovery, all of which can affect a women's well-being. Although there is a growing body of literature on the satisfaction with aesthetic outcomes following breast reconstruction, there is little research addressing the recovery process.

Artikel: 'Negative and positive consequences of adolescent cancer 10 years after diagnosis: an interview-based longitudinal study in Sweden.' (2014)

The aim of this study was to provide insight into survivor-reported negative and positive consequences of cancer during adolescence 10 years after diagnosis and compare these with consequences reported 3 and 4 years after diagnosis.

Basisboek oncologie voor verpleegkundigen

Aan de hand van dit boek kunnen verpleegkundigen en andere gezondheidswerkers de dagelijks praktijk in de oncologische zorg leren kennen. Het boek leert hoe kanker ontstaat, hoe de diagnose gesteld wordt en welke behandelingen mogelijk zijn.

Oproep: vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex-)kankerpatiënten helpen verbeteren

Het Fonds Suzanne Duchesne, beheerd door de Koning Boudewijnstichting, en Kom op tegen Kanker lanceren samen een oproep voor vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex

Project: 'relaxerende ontmoetingen tussen lotgenoten'

Project met aandacht voor lotgenoten en relaxatie



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