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Guided Self-Help as Intervention for Traumatic Stress in Parents of Children with Cancer: Conceptualization, Intervention Strategies, and a Case Study.

Being a parent of a child diagnosed with cancer poses an enormous stressor. Indeed, several parents have difficulties adjusting to such a situation and react with symptoms of traumatic stress, depression, and reduced quality of life. However, there is little conceptual work on behavioral mechanisms that contribute to suboptimal adaptation in these parents. The authors present a conceptualization in which experiential avoidance and rumination are suggested to contribute to increased levels of traumatic stress and suboptimal adaption.

Artikel: 'Psychological, demographic, illness and treatment risk factors for emotional distress amongst paediatric oncology patients prior to reaching 5-year survivorship status.' (2014)

Studies assessing emotional distress severity of paediatric oncology patients prior to reaching 5-year survivorship status have produced inconsistent findings. This cross-sectional multi-centre study aimed to determine psychological, demographic, illness and treatment risk factors for emotional distress in this population.

Artikel: 'Exploring psychological responses to genetic testing for Lynch Syndrome within the family context.' (2014)

Genetic testing for hereditary cancer susceptibility syndromes is a family-centered process. Nonetheless, little research has explored how the family context affects psychological responses to genetic testing. We examine how personal test results and the test results of immediate and extended family members shape responses to genetic testing.

Artikel: 'Family caregivers' awareness of illness and attitude toward disclosure during chemotherapy for advanced cancer.' (2014)

We investigated family caregivers' awareness of disease status and attitude toward disclosure of disease progression compared with those of cancer patients and explored the potential association between family caregivers' attitudes and patients' quality of life (QOL).

Artikel: 'Patterns of psychological responses in parents of children that underwent stem cell transplantation.' (2014)

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is curative in several life-threatening pediatric diseases but may affect children and their families inducing depression, anxiety, burnout symptoms, and post-traumatic stress symptoms, as well as post-traumatic growth (PTG). The aim of this study was to investigate the co-occurrence of different aspects of such responses in parents of children that had undergone HSCT.

Artikel: 'The impact of prostate cancer on partners: a qualitative exploration.' (2014)

Prostate cancer and its treatment can result in numerous physical and psychological morbidities for the patient as well as his partner. This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of intimate spouses or partners of men diagnosed and/or treated for prostate cancer to better understand the personal impact of prostate cancer on the partner.

Artikel: 'Negative and positive consequences of adolescent cancer 10 years after diagnosis: an interview-based longitudinal study in Sweden.' (2014)

The aim of this study was to provide insight into survivor-reported negative and positive consequences of cancer during adolescence 10 years after diagnosis and compare these with consequences reported 3 and 4 years after diagnosis.

Artikel: 'A structural equation model of posttraumatic growth after prostate cancer.' (2014)

Posttraumatic growth (PTG) encompasses an individual's perception of positive personal changes as a consequence of a traumatic incident. The current study tested a theoretical model of PTG with the inclusion of resilience in the context of cancer survivors. 

Methods: Members of a prostate cancer support network were invited to complete a cross-sectional mail survey (N = 514, 52.8% response; mean age 70.17 years, and time since diagnosis 7.5 years).

Boek voor hulpverleners: ' Dit doe je kinderen niet aan . Het begeleiden van kinderen op bezoek bij een stervende.'

Dit boek is een praktische handleiding voor professionelen in de gezondheidszorg die het nodige inzicht in de problemantiek en een uitgewerkt stappenplan aanbiedt om kinderen en hun omgeving bij te staan wanneer iemand stervende is.

Boek voor hulpverleners: 'Die ziekte in mijn familie, krijg ik die later ook? Predictieve genetische tests.'

Dit boek gaat uitgebreid in op de klinische praktijk van predictief testen en op de multidisciplinaire context waarin predictieve tests momenteel gebeuren, o.a. voor erfelijke borstkanker. De mogelijkheden en beperkingen, alsook de psychologische, familiale, maatschappelijke en ethische implicaties van predictief genetisch testen, worden besproken. Dit boek geeft belangrijke en evenwichtige informatie over predictief testen vanuit verschillende perspectieven: praktijkervaring, literatuur en empirisch onderzoek. 



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