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Tumorspecifieke info

Artikel: Cost-effectiveness of a behavioral intervention for persistent urinary incontinence in prostate cancer patients (2016)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a behavioral intervention for urinary incontinence of prostate cancer patients. Study subjects were either participating in or eligible but declined (i.e., nonparticipating) the active intervention study.

Artikel: A randomized controlled bicenter trial of yoga for patients with colorectal cancer (2016)

The aim of this trial was to evaluate the effects of yoga on health-related quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer.

Artikel: Psychological interventions for distress in adults undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a systematic review with meta-analysis (2016)

To investigate the characteristics, methodology, quality, and efficacy of psychological interventions for distress in adult patients undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). 

Een diëtiste oncologie vinden?

De Stichting tegen Kanker heeft een lijst van diëtisten oncologie beschikbaar. De dietisten zijn door de FOD erkend en beschikken over een RIZIVnummer.

Zowel intra- als extramurosdiëtisten zijn opgenomen in de lijst.

Link naar website

Jaarverslag KCE

De richtlijnen uit 2015 hebben bijna allemaal betrekking op de screening, behandeling en opvolging van verschillende kankers. In dit domein, dat voortdurend evolueert, legde het KCE reeds een langdurig traject af. Het formuleert aanbevelingen voor de meest voorkomende kankers en/of voor dewelke een grote diagnostische of therapeutische vooruitgang werd gemaakt. Elk jaar kiezen we samen met het College voor Oncologie de te behandelen onderwerpen.

Artikel: Relationships between parenting self-efficacy and distress in parents who have school-aged children and have been treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplant or have no cancer history (2016)

Studies demonstrate that parents with cancer experience distress and that parenting self-efficacy (PSE) is related to distress among parents without cancer. However, no study to date has examined the relationships between PSE and psychological distress among parents with cancer. This study sought to address this issue by comparing parents with cancer who had undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) to parents without cancer on measures of PSE and psychological distress.

Artikel: Body image and sexual function in women after treatment for anal and rectal cancer (2016)

Treatment for anal and rectal cancer (ARCa) often results in side effects that directly impact sexual functioning; however, ARCa survivors are an understudied group, and factors contributing to the sexual sequelae are not well understood. Body image problems are distressing and may further exacerbate sexual difficulties, particularly for women. This preliminary study sought to (1) describe body image problems, including sociodemographic and disease/treatment correlates, and (2) examine relations between body image and sexual function.

Artikel: Patient reporting pain intensity immediately after surgery can be associated with underlying depression in women with breast cancer (2016)

The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of severe, definite depression symptoms, as measured using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and the association between high CES-D scores (i.e., ≥25) and sociodemographic and perioperative factors during perioperative period.



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