20th World Congress of Psycho-oncology and Psychosocial Academy
We are delighted to welcome you to Hong Kong and the 20th International Psycho-Oncology Society World Congress of Psycho-Oncology.
The School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong is partnering with the Hong Kong Cancer Fund to host this World Congress which will be a very special meeting for a number of reasons. The second IPOS World Congress was held in Kobe, Japan 24 years ago in 1994, and this is the first time since that the IPOS World Congress returns to Asia. A lot has changed over the last quarter century and Asia is now one of the leading economic and tourist destinations in the world. IPOS will be 26 years old, so the 20th World Congress is something to celebrate.
This meeting is also especially significant because 2018 will see the 90th birthday of Professor Jimmie Holland, the founder of IPOS and “Mother” of psycho-oncology. We hope you will join us in Hong Kong to celebrate these important milestones and anniversaries.
More information and program soon on: www.ipos2018.com
Prijzen en registratie op: http://www.ipos2018.com/reg.html