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Gebruik van een “decision aid” of beslissingshulp in de behandeling van het vroeg tijdig prostaatcarcinoom

Prostaat Info 9(2010)2 p-16-17

Experiences and concerns about ‘returning to work’ for women breast cancer survivors: a literature review

Objective: To explore how female breast cancer patients experience work incapacity during the
treatment and return-to-work phases and how interactions between patients and stakeholders
affect this experience.
Method: Database search for full text articles published between January 1995 and
January 2008 that focused on employed female breast cancer patients, factors related to work
incapacity, and returning to work. Only results based on self-report data were included. Studies

Survived but feeling vulnerable and insecure: a qualitative study of the mental preparation for RTW after breast cancer treatment

Background: Improvements in treatment have resulted in an increasing number of cancer survivors potentially being able to return to work after medical treatment. In this paper we focus on the considerations regarding return to work (RTW) of breast cancer absentees in the Belgian context and how these considerations are related to reactions from their social environment.

Supporting Return-to-Work in the Face of Legislation: Stakeholders’ Experiences with Return-to-Work After Breast Cancer in Belgium

Background The diagnosis of breast cancer increasingly implies a return-to-work (RTW) challenge
as survival rates increase. RTW is regarded as a multidisciplinary process and a country’s legislation affects the degree of involvement of the different stakeholders. We elucidated on bottlenecks and contributing factors and the relationship between policy and practice regarding RTW of employees with breast cancer as perceived by Belgian (Flemish) stakeholders. Methods

Breast cancer treatment and work disability: Patient perspectives

Purpose: Most female breast cancer patients are forced to interrupt their professional activities during treatment. Qualitative research was carried out to assess women’s experiences of being work disabled because of breast cancer.
Patients and methods: In-depth interviews were analyzed to understand patient’s experiences and to gain more insight in their perspectives on living with breast cancer.

Artikel: 'Angst voor terugkeer van borstkanker na genezing: de rol van somatosensore amplificatie en trekangst.' (2005)

This study investigates the fear of breast cancer recurrence and its relationship with trait anxiety and somatosensory amplification. Fifty-six former Belgian breast cancer patients participated in a questionnaire study which included the 'Fear of Recurrence Questionnaire' (Northouse, 1981), the 'Somatosensory Amplification Scale' (Barsky et al., 1988) and the 'State-Trait Anxiety Inventory' (Spielberger et al., 1983). Results indicated that the majority experienced fear of cancer recurrence.

Kortfilm Ballen (2014)

Student Teun (22) heeft zaadbalkanker en moet door chemokuren zijn studentenwoning inruilen voor zijn ouderlijk huis. Teun’s huisgenoten hebben een afscheidsdiner gepland voor hun goede vriend. De avond begint gezellig, maar al snel lopen de emoties hoog op. Dan stelt één van Teun’s huisgenoten een gewaagde actie voor om de avond alsnog te redden. Wat echter begint als een gezellige avond slaat om in een emotionele confrontatie.
DVD bestellen: janne.schmidt90 [at] gmail.com. 10 euro

Levenskwaliteit bij oncogeriatrische patiënten

Het aantal geriatrische personen, die afhankelijk en gevoelig zijn voor ziekte, stijgt
(Balducci & Extermann, 2000). Deze frêle personen blijken ongeschikt voor standaardvormen
van kankerbehandelingen en ervaren nood aan een individueel behandelplan. Binnen het
zorgprogramma oncologie maakt men echter gebruik van voorgeschreven standaardbehandelingen.
We hopen een betere inschatting te kunnen maken van welke behandelingen
haalbaar zijn voor elke borstkankerpatiënt vanaf 70 jaar aan de hand van het Comprehensive



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