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Existentiële zorg en spiritualiteit

Artikel: Associations of prognostic awareness/acceptance with psychological distress, existential suffering, and quality of life in terminally ill cancer patients' last year of life (2016)

Whether prognostic awareness benefits terminally ill cancer patients' psychological–existential well-being and quality of life (QOL) is unclear because of lack of well-controlled longitudinal studies. This study longitudinally evaluated the associations of accurate prognostic awareness and prognostic acceptance with psychological distress, existential suffering, and QOL while comprehensively controlling for confounders in Taiwanese terminally ill cancer patients' last year of life.

Artikel: A randomized controlled bicenter trial of yoga for patients with colorectal cancer (2016)

The aim of this trial was to evaluate the effects of yoga on health-related quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer.

Artikel: The Cancer Stories Project: narratives of encounters with cancer in Aotearoa, New Zealand (2016)

The Cancer Stories Study aimed to identify the factors that empower people who have experienced cancer. More specifically the project sought to explore the coping and support mechanisms people adopted to help understand and manage their cancer experience.

Artikel: Religious beliefs, practices, and health in colorectal cancer patients in Saudi Arabia (2016)

Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients experience considerable psychological stress because of changes brought on by their illness. Religion may be a resource for such patients. We examined the prevalence of religious beliefs and practices in CRC patients and correlation with demographic, social, psychological, and physical health characteristics.

Review: The effect of spiritual interventions addressing existential themes using a narrative approach on quality of life of cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of spiritual interventions on quality of life of cancer patients.


We conducted our search on June 6, 2014 in Medline, PsycINFO, Embase, and PubMed. All clinical trials were included that compared standard care with a spiritual intervention that addressed existential themes using a narrative approach. Study quality was evaluated by the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool.

Brochure: Durf erover te praten: Mijn wensen met betrekking tot mijn gezondheid en mijn levenskwaliteit

Er zijn problemen die men gemakkelijker kan oplossen als er geen haast bij is."Durf erover te praten" is een brochure bedoeld om u te helpen uw persoonlijke wensen te uiten met betrekking tot uw gezondheid en uw levenskwaliteit.

U kunt dit document gebruiken als een notitieboekje, en gebruiken wanneer u zich klaar voelt om te praten met uw gezin, uw naasten of het medisch team – of om een tussenpersoon te helpen om met hen te praten. Wacht niet op een noodsituatie: er nu over praten zal het gemakkelijker maken om, als de tijd gekomen is, beslissingen te nemen.



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